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Miracle Makers: A Personal Reason to Volunteer

April Liebert joined the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals campaign committee at her Oshkosh, Wisconsin store because she knew firsthand what it was like to have a child treated at a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Due to complications at birth, her daughter developed pneumonia and had to be transferred to the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin for further treatment. What ensued was days of April’s daughter in the nursery and NICU, with April barely being able to even hold her. It certainly wasn’t the experience April was expecting, but the amazing support she and her family received from the hospital staff made a difficult time much less stressful.


Now, she loves planning fundraisers and campaigns as a way to give back to the hospital that gave her daughter such excellent treatment. She has helped plan numerous fundraisers, including balloon, pop and root beer sales. One particularly memorable fundraiser allowed associates to pie their managers in the face. Surprisingly, the managers loved it just as much as the associates did, and even a few customers got involved. The popularity of this event allowed the store to raise over $400 dollars in just two hours.

April believes that her store is so successful in its fundraising efforts because so many associates have children who have been treated at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. “It really hits home for all of us,” she says.

Help support families like April’s by making a donation at your local Walmart or Sam’s Club today.